December 11, 2009

Japan Unfair To US Automakers

Back when the US had their "cash for clunkers" program they tried to put in a provision that give US auto makers a step up in the program.

Japan had a shit fit and report the US to the WTO, WTO threatened sanctions and the US backed down.

Well guess what Japan is doing with their "cash for clunkers" program ...

"Any car can enjoy this program as long as they satisfy the same fuel efficiency standards, regardless if it is domestic or imported."

Miura said 43 percent of imported vehicles qualify for the program in Japan.

In a letter to the deputy U.S. trade representative Thursday, General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Group LLC called the program "another example of Japan continuing efforts to discriminate against imported vehicles."

And 87% of Japanese auto makers vehicles qualify for the program.

Under Japan's program, no U.S. vehicles are eligible because of special import rules; 87 percent of Japanese-built vehicles are eligible. But the Japanese government noted that program is voluntary, and U.S. manufacturers can qualify if they use the same import guidelines that other companies use. (emphasis mine)

And of course Japan sees nothing wrong with putting in provisions that will exclude all US vehicles from the program. As always they follow do as I say not as I do motto.

Posted by Quality Weenie at December 11, 2009 12:12 PM

Anti-American? Naw. It just sounds like Obama is in charge of Japan too.

Posted by: JihadGene at December 11, 2009 12:34 PM