When you make me a promise to have something done by a specific date you had better come through on that date because you gave me your word that it would be done.
You would have assessed the situation and using your judgement you say "yes, it will be done on that date", this is especially important to me to trust you on your word if I do not have expertise in that area because I would not know if you are truthful or lying.
So when I went to the doctor to talk about surgery on my foot his intern said "8 weeks and you will be as good as new".
I added a couple weeks to that because one can never really know how quickly the body will heal itself, so I was thinking 100% by 12 weeks at the very latest.
This Friday it will be 11 weeks since my surgery and I can say with complete confidence that I was better off before the surgery then I am right now.
If I had to put a percentage on my recovery I would put it at 60%.
60% is far from the 100% I should have been at 3 weeks ago, in fact in school it would be considered failing.
When I went into the doctors on October 23rd and voiced my concern about the major swelling, pain and not being able to move my toe I was told "recovery could take upto 6 months".
To say I was pissed would be a major understatement. If I had known that it would have had a major impact on my decision to have the surgery, I would not have had it just yet. I would have waited, probably a lot longer. But I thought hey 8 weeks and back to normal, I can handle that.
At the last doctors visit they said we will send you to physical therapy to help with the motion and swelling issues. I 3 times before I deemed it a waste of time to sit there for 1/2 hour doing exercises I could do at home and with the swelling they are not going to do much good for now. So I stopped going and will just do the exercises at home for awhile.
I blame myself for this because I didn't confirm with my doctor what the intern said, thought the intern knew what they were saying because they were the "expert".
So I expect at least another 3-4 months before full recovery is achieved.
Posted by Quality Weenie at November 12, 2007 02:43 PM | TrackBackWhat it the hell did you do to your foot? Break it off in a Buckeye's ass? Good lord. 4 months. I just got through fillin' out short term disability 'cause I broked my foot, and that damned near took two weeks. Sheeeeit.
Posted by: RedNeck at November 12, 2007 04:06 PMIt's amazing how often the medical community fails us, considering... :( I'm so sorry.
Posted by: pam at November 12, 2007 06:00 PM