Another item from the I can't catch a break files ...
I am thinking a couple people are wondering why I asked the FMLA question ...
Well I am having Surgery on August 31st on my foot.
Seems my arthritis has a personal vendetta with my foot and has been attacking it unmercisely this past year and it has gotten to the point where just walking is causing major pain.
Which means I can't exercise and have gained back what I lost plus some.
So they are going to go in a do a bunionectomy, where they will remove the bunion, then cut out some bone on the side of my foot, break my big toe, realign it and put some screws in.
I also have what is commonly refered to as Turf Toe. The first joint of my big toe is grinding against the second joint on the toe and causing pain. So while realigning my toe from above, depending on the amount of damage and how it aligns, they may or may not have to put a new joint in.
I also have a Bone spur on the Big Toe second joint so they will remove that also.
The reason I actually went into the foot doctor last summer was due to the pain I was having which was the same pain I had 15 years ago. Seems the tumor in my big toe that they removed 15 years ago is back also. They are still in discussion as whether to remove it or not as it is small and really all there is in my big toe. When the original tumor was removed they took out most of the bone to prevent it from coming back, seems they failed.
So I will be having what they deem as "minor" surgery, just a nerve block and some meds to make me happy and will slice open the top of my foot for several procedures.
They will be casting my foot for 3 weeks, I am not allowed to put any pressure on my foot at all for those 3 weeks. It's my right foot so I am not allowed to drive. I will then get the cast off and given a "boot" and allowed to only put a little weight on my foot for another 3 weeks (but being allowed to drive). Then another check, a walking boot and the start of light walking on it. After another 3 weeks, a check, an ok and then I will then be allowed full use and be able to start exercising again.
Since I am not allowed to drive, I can't work. But work is allowing me to work from home. I asked to be allowed to work from home for 2 reason, a small reason is so I can stay in the loop of what is happening so I don't have to play catch-up when I get back. The main reason, I don't get paid. No short term disability insurance from my company either. So at least I will get paid for 4-5 hours per day (they won't let me get 8 hours pay).
So I have 4 weeks of being free from crutches, I will enjoy it while I can. But the outcome will be worth the wait.
Posted by Quality Weenie at August 1, 2007 02:26 PM | TrackBackIt all sounds extremely painful. Bless your heat, I hope the 'several procedures in one' takes care of it and you're pain free after you recoup.
Posted by: pam at August 1, 2007 03:45 PMI'm so sorry you have to go through all that. Damn. But if the end result is no pain? Then we'll just focus on that.
One benefit could be more blogging! There. Does that help any?
Posted by: Tammi at August 1, 2007 04:02 PMI am focusing only on the end results, no pain. It's going to be a rough 9 weeks of recovery but if it will let me walk without pain and being able to exercise again will lift my spirits!
Posted by: Quality Weenie at August 1, 2007 04:57 PMPrayers headed your way that everything goes smoothly and you're walking pain free very soon!
Posted by: Teresa at August 1, 2007 10:28 PMPrayers to you from us!
Posted by: oddybobo at August 2, 2007 08:45 AMMore prayers headed your way!
Posted by: Mrs. Who at August 2, 2007 09:31 AMYikes! I hope all goes well.
And if I manage to get near you during that time (you never know), I'll come give you a ride somewhere...anywhere! :)
Posted by: Ogre at August 2, 2007 10:15 AMI'd offer up a prayer on your behalf, but I'm too busy cringing from the description of the surgery :-)
Posted by: Harvey at August 2, 2007 04:44 PM