November 01, 2006

You Can't Make This Shit Up

It was a normal night, a night like any other night at the Weenie household.

I had logged onto Northwest's site to electronically check-in for my flights tomorrow and was ready to print the boarding passes.

Our laptop is in the kitchen on the desk area and our printer is in the den. So I grab the laptop and head into the den to print the passes out. I turn the foyer light on as we do not have a light in the den (it's basically a junk storage room right now). Opened the door, walked in towards the printer and


I smashed into the folded flat (about 6 inches in height) large dog cage we have with my right foot, not remembering it was there. I then proceded to fall, while still holding the laptop, right onto my left knee with all my weight on it, while still holding the laptop and then fell to my right back onto the large dog cage, while still holding the laptop.

Pain immediately shot through my right foot and left knee, crying like a big baby, while still holding that *&^%$$^ laptop, I finally put that )(**^&% laptop down and got up, while in alot of pain.

Sat in the chair, still bawling like a baby and printed out my boarding pass for my flight tomorrow.

Mr Weenie got home 1/2 hour later and by that time my foot and knee looked like balloons, so off to the ER we go.

Diagnoises? Sprained right ankle, broken right big toe, sprained left knee and sprained left ankle. Very sore back, right hip and right knee.

So no flying tomorrow, had to cancel because ER doc said no walking on lower "extremities" tomorrow. Thank-god I had a refundable flight.

Hope I don't get in to much trouble for having to cancel a much needed meeting, already emailed all players involved and told them my sad excuse of a story and said I could re-schedule it for next week if they wanted.

I feel like an idiot not to mention I am in incredable amounts of pain.

I am off to hunt down my Darvocet's, get more ice and lay on the couch.


Posted by Quality Weenie at November 1, 2006 10:11 PM | TrackBack

Holy carp, Batman! What's the dog cage made from, concrete?

Take some drugs and drink some beer, you'll forget all about the pain. Since there's nothing to do all day long, I could send you some VCR tapes of some 2000 Dolphins games to watch if you like... :)

And you know we did see the contradiction in your first line: "It was a normal night, a night like any other night at the Weenie household."

Posted by: Ogre at November 2, 2006 10:57 AM

Keep that up and they'll start calling you vw bug junior. I refuse to put up all the things that happen to me. It is a circus somedays. I do hope you feel better soon.

Posted by: vw bug at November 2, 2006 11:18 AM