July 21, 2005

I've Got A Itch That Needs Scratching

Now that I have your attention ...

At work they are building a new office in the plant. Right next to my office. I will be moving into said office because it's bigger and my office will be turned into a War Room(1). The two offices will connect with a door. The doorway will be where the AC unit for my current office is. Last night they worked to complete the new office and install the doorway connecting the two offices. Which means the AC unit comes out and moves to it's new place, in the new office. I am still in the old office because the new one isn't completed yet.

It's 92 outside with a lot of humidity.

My current office is hotter than the plant.

I am not one to sweat, even when exercising. I just don't sweat, prespire maybe, but sweat no.

I am sweating buckets. I have sweat beads running down my back into my nylons.

Wet nylons are not pleasant, especially when one needs to use the restroom.

They also have left a shit load of dust in both offices.

I am allergic to dust. A little dust isn't bad, but this amount of dust is killing me.

I am itching like a mother focker.

Redness is starting to appear.

Itching and sweating.

I'm not very pleasant to be around right now.

The room still has work to be done on it.

We might move in next week.

Did I mention I have no AC? I have a fan blowing hot air on me, with dust mixed in.

Thank-god I am not PMSing right now.

Someone would die.

(1) A War Room is basically a room that houses all our charts/graphs for production and quality and it will also house all our print and program books.

Posted by Quality Weenie at July 21, 2005 01:37 PM | TrackBack

Go sans nylons, and panties.....just wear a tank top and an apron, much cooler.....


Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 21, 2005 02:42 PM

Bathing suit and kiddie pool. Give it a try.

Posted by: vw bug at July 21, 2005 03:48 PM

Use the fan to dry the nylons, then to blow under the desk. Wait... Did that come out right?

Posted by: Tuck at July 21, 2005 04:12 PM

That sucks major ass!!

Posted by: Sissy at July 21, 2005 05:05 PM

ROFL *deep breaths*

Okay, I've regained my composure now. Wet nylons? YUCKO! Dust and allergies? YUCKO Tell them you're working from home until the new office is ready or you get to be moved now because your health won't allow these conditions. Oh! Throw in PMS (it grosses men out) and have a bat! That should get their attention!

Or take in a kiddie pool with you, wear a gas mask and shorts & a tank top. You'll be cooler! Um, not helpful huh? Sorry! I tried!

Posted by: Lee Ann at July 21, 2005 09:53 PM

I can't even imagine. Yick. I'm so sorry.

But I'm almost sorrier for the next idiot that decides to say something stupid.....and I do believe the conditions you describe will hold up in court.

I'm just sayin!!

Posted by: Tammi at July 21, 2005 11:12 PM

I'd just show up for work in boxers.

Posted by: Ogre at July 22, 2005 07:39 AM

Being a cold weather person, I'm feeling for your right now... That doesn't stop me from laughing at your misery, but I do feel for you! :)

Posted by: Contagion at July 22, 2005 08:38 AM

I don't do nylons anymore. I can't. I hate them. Loathe them. Blech.

Posted by: Bou at July 22, 2005 11:25 AM

I am itching like a mother

Stumbled on you site and enjoyed it very much, except when you thought it would be embellished with trash. Would prefer you could keep it clean and I could pass it on to my grandkids.

Posted by: Jerry at July 31, 2005 08:19 PM