A Blog Brother Returns
Jeff formerly of Hilarity Ensues have fallen off the wagon and is hopped up on the Blogcrack again, this time at Jeff's Nuggets.
He talks about how being a College Student allows you to:
1. Failure to purchase any presents for anyone, due to lack of funds
2. Removal from the holiday exchange lists, due to irresponsibility
3. Suddenly moving back home for an extended period of time while not working
4. Asking for asininely expensive gifts like computer parts, car parts, exotic liquors, etc.
5. "Academic Hangover" - refusal to speak intelligently at home after 2 weeks of final exams
Now, I am a College Student but I am not allowed to claim #1, although I have been #2'ed by the family because they feel I don't have kids so they don't need to buy me anything. I'd rather die than do #3, I always do #4 but never get any and do #5 between semesters.
So head on over to Jeff's new drug house of choice and get hopped up on some of his Blogcrack.
Welcome Back Jeff, we knew you couldn't stay on the wagon for long.