January 05, 2005

Consumer Anxiety = Increased Sales

Consumer Anxiety = Increased Sales for Chocolate and Tabaco

The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) third quater results show customer satisfaction stands at 74.3 down from second quarter, but satisfaction for Chocolate and Tabaco are up.

Customer satisfaction with food products overall has been remarkably stable, according to Jack West , past president of the American Society for Quality , a co-sponsor of the ACSI. "Hershey and Mars showed the greatest improvement from a year ago and remain near the top of the food industry," West said. "Hershey's recent announcement of record third-quarter and nine-month sales figures seems to support this conclusion."


The beer industry declined 4 percent this quarter largely due to a drop for industry leader Anheuser-Busch to 79, its lowest score in five years.

Comfort foods are always the main stay during times of stress, this shows that Americans are experiencing more stress during the third quater of 2004. That would coincide with the Presidential Election.

Posted by Quality Weenie at January 5, 2005 03:37 PM