May 18, 2005

Munu Help I need some

Munu Help

I need some help with my munu blog. I have it almost set-up and ready to go but have some questions on how to do things that I just can not figure out how to do.

Here's the list:

Munu blogroll pulldown list - I added it just like the instructions said but I don't get the pull down menu, I get the whole list

Site Meter - again I added it just like they said to but it keeps giving me an error saying it can't find my "site meter" template

How to add TTLB

How to get the Black to the left Quality Weenie off the blog

The description is suppose to be monotype corsiva, but at home it comes out as something else.

How do I put my comments picture on the munu comments area?

How do I get the pull down comments?

I think that is all.

Can someone please help me, pretty please, with sugar on top?!

Posted by Quality Weenie at May 18, 2005 01:30 PM